366 Auto™ Dies

366 Auto™ Powder Charge Bushings
Selecting Bushings for Half-Grain Charges:
Hornady powder bushings are identified by numbers that correspond to the size of their inside diameter. (For instance, the inside diameter of the #456 bushing is .456 inches.) Bushings for powder charges in half-grain increments can be calculated from the downloadable chart.
IMPORTANT: Due to agitation of powder during the loading operation, different models of loaders require different bushings. Therefore, the chartshould be used only for 366 Auto and Hornady’s APEX. Additional charts are published for other Hornady loaders. All charges listed on this chart are an average of several loads that were weighed following the complete reloading cycle. Powders used in establishing these loads were from samples supplied by the manufacturer. Charges may vary slightly due to operator’s technique and/or powder variables.

366 Auto™ Accessories
Optional accessories are available to enhance the 366 Auto™ Shotshell Reloading Press.
- Crimp Starters
- Wad Spring Fingers
- Spring Loaded Primer Seater
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