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How do I know what to buy for my reloading needs?

View the Reloading Essentials page to determine the size and type of reloading essentials you need.

Categorized in: Reloading Tools

What if I need a modified case?

Please include contact information, your bullet diameter, two fired pieces of brass (not deprimed or resized in case there are issues creating the modified case), as well as a check or money order for $20.00 for customers inside the USA. Please make checks payable to Hornady Manufacturing. We ask that you use Fedex, UPS or other direct shipping... Continue Reading

Categorized in: Reloading Tools

Beside the press, what do I need to get started reloading?

You will need the following items:

Reloading Handbook #99239 Lock-N-Load® Die Bushings (1 for each die) One Shot® Spray Case Lube 5.5 ounce with Dyna Glide Plus #9991 Powder Funnel #586050 Universal Loading Block #480040 GS-1500 Grain Electronic Scale #050107 Primer Turning Plate #050006 Dial Caliper... Continue Reading

Categorized in: Reloading Tools

Do I need to convert my Lock‑N‑Load® AP press?

No, this new ejection system is not a required conversion. If you purchase new style shell plates, they will work with both the wire eject and EZ-JECT systems.

Categorized in: Reloading Tools

How do I make a shell plate exchange?

Hornady will convert your existing shell plates for $35 per plate. Please call our sales department at 800-338-3220 to arrange authorization for sending in shell plates for conversion.

Categorized in: Reloading Tools

How do I adjust my 366 Auto shotshell press to load the new Winchester AA hulls?

Readjust Station 7 up to get the pressure off the case. It will usually need to be raised two complete turns. The manual calls for 7 to 9 threads above the jam nut. Around 10 to 11 turns will work for the new AA cases. After the adjustment, you may have a small hole in the center. This can be corrected by adjusting Station 6 down.

Categorized in: Reloading Data & Techniques

Where can I get a shotshell instruction manual?

Visit the Shotshell Reloading User Manual page. If the manual you need is not available, please call customer service at 1-800-338-3220.

Categorized in: Customer Service, Reloading Data & Techniques

How can I get the expander on my size die out of the case?

Use black graphite from your hardware store as a neck lube. Dip the neck in it after you lube the outside of the case. The powder already has graphite in it, so it won't contaminate the powder.

Categorized in: Reloading Tools

Where can I get a metallic instruction manual?

Visit the Metallic Reloading User Manual page. If the manual you need is not available, please call customer service at 1-800-338-3220.

Categorized in: Customer Service, Reloading Data & Techniques

How can I make my powder charges uniform?

Static can cause charges to vary. Rub a dryer sheet vigorously on the outside of the powder tube to discharge the static and make the charges uniform.

Categorized in: Reloading Data & Techniques