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What would the velocity of your ammunition be if using a shorter barrel?

Exact velocities can't be calculated because variables associated with individual chambers and/or barrels affect velocity, but on average, velocity gains or losses will be approximately 25 to 35 feet per second per inch of barrel difference. But that hold true for every load or every gun. To truly measure performance, the load should be tested over a chronograph.

Categorized in: Ballistics

Why does velocity differ from what’s listed on the ammo box?

In order to comply with industry standards, Hornady publishes data for ammunition derived from testing with Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute (SAAMI) specification test barrels. SAAMI specifies minimum and maximum chamber sizes and certain barrel lengths for certain cartridges. For instance, most rifle test barrels are... Continue Reading

Categorized in: Ballistics

Where can I find ballistics information?

Ballistics information for each bullet and cartridge is available on our online store. You'll see a tab called "Ballistics" at the top of each specific product page.

Categorized in: Ballistics

What do I do if I have a stuck case in a sizing die?

Please send it to us along with contact information and a $15.00 check per stuck case for the return postage made out to Hornady Manufacturing. We can only accommodate requests for customers inside the USA due to licensing regulations for cartridge cases. We ask that you use Fedex, UPS or other direct shipping service. Using USPS may... Continue Reading

Categorized in: Reloading Tools

How do I order replacement parts for my press or dies?

Please give us a call at 1-800-338-3220 to place an order.

Categorized in: Customer Service, Reloading Tools

What causes some cases not to adequately expand when loading range brass?

Case length uniformity is critical. If you set everything up with a case at the longer end of the spectrum and then run some cases that are considerably shorter, these cases will not be expanded to the same degree as the longer ones. For best results, sort cases by headstamp and ensure that cases are uniform in length.

Categorized in: Reloading Data & Techniques

How will the measure stop work on my Case Activated Powder Drop, which uses a 4‑inch return spring oriented diagonally?

The measure stop and powder through expanders are only compatible with the Case Activated Powder Drop that we currently offer with the vertical return spring. Unfortunately, these are not compatible with the earlier CAPDs with the diagonal return spring.

Categorized in: Reloading Tools

If I don't plan on using a powder through expander, do I still need the measure stop?

No. If you're using the expander die that came with your die set for case expansion, you will use one of the sleeves in the Case Activated Powder Drop rather than a powder through expander. The measure stop is not necessary if you are using one of these sleeves.

Categorized in: Reloading Tools

Is the PTX stop necessary for .223 Remington or .308 Winchester (bottleneck cartridges)?

No, it is only recommended when a powder through expander is going to be used on straight-walled cartridges.

Categorized in: Reloading Tools

How do I get more taper crimp with my die?

Please follow these simple steps:

  1. Loosen the seater adjustment screw (very top milled piece) about three times.
  2. Loosen the lock ring on the crimp adjustment screw (middle) and back it out about three turns.
  3. Tighten the crimp adjustment screw down until you have the correct crimp.
  4. After you have made the adjustment, lock the lock ring and reset your bullet seater adjustment screw to the correct seating depth.

Categorized in: Reloading Data & Techniques