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Hornady® Subsonic Ammunition — designed for accuracy and performance below the speed of sound — now comes in both rifle and handgun loads.
Subsonic Handgun utilizes tried-and-true XTP® bullets that expand reliably at subsonic velocities. The Sub-X bullet used in Subsonic Rifle features a lead core. Long grooves in its gilding metal jacket combine with the bullet’s flat profile and the patented Flex Tip® insert within its hollowpoint cavity to help it expand reliably at low velocities.
Powders are selected for optimal performance and consistency from lot to lot.

Product Features
Performance of 300 Blackout Subsonic meets or exceeds FBI Protocol terminal ballistic test requirements. The XTP® bullet in Subsonic Handgun has built a world-class reputation for accuracy and stopping power.
Hornady® Subsonic Ammunition doesn’t have the loud report of a supersonic round, and paired with a suppressor, it’s even quieter. Unique powders optimized for subsonic use result in a low flash signature, ideal for either suppressed or unsuppressed performance.
With high-quality cartridge cases and primers, Subsonic Ammunition offers the performance and accuracy shooters have come to expect from Hornady.
Disclaimer: This is subsonic, i.e., reduced velocity ammunition and will not produce the same muzzle energy as conventionally loaded cartridges. If hunting with this product, be sure to read, understand and comply with all applicable regulations and laws pertaining to bullet energy and/or muzzle velocity for the area and game to be hunted.
Scrapbook Stories
350 Legend Subsonic Delivers Again
By Rocky | January 11, 2024
Sitting in the tree stand a few does ran across the corn field at 7:30am. Being the day after opening day in Maryland, I thought maybe a buck could follow behind. Well he came up through the swamp 35…
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