Opening Day Buck: First Ever w/reload

By Jeremy

November 25, 2013

There I was sitting by myself since my daughter decided to sleep in that morning. It wasn't too cold out, but the air had a bit of a nip.

My oldest daughter had shot her very first deer ever, and the first ever with any of my reloads the weekend before during youth weekend.

It was about 20 minutes after shooting hours opened up, and I notice some movement, so I propped my gun up on the wall of my blind, finally a deer stepped out, and much to my disliking, it was just a spike, which are illegal for me to take in Arkansas. It was fun watching it though walk around eating and whatnot.

I decided to hit my bleat can a few times. About 10 minutes after that, I see some movement behind a tree. I put my gun on the rail, that way I was ready. Out walk the biggest buck I have ever seen on our lease. Good symmetrical rack, big bodied. Then I realized it was the same buck that my daughter missed just a week before, as well as being the same buck I have been watching on my cameras for the last three years. He had his head down trailing a doe.

He stepped out, I double checked the number of points, to ensure it was a legal buck here in Arkansas, and it was. I bleated at him with my mouth, he stopped for the split second I needed him to, and that's when I dropped him DRT with the first reload I had shot out of my rifle.

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