First whitetail
By Jackson Bennett
May 19, 2022
This my son Jackson’s first deer. He was using a gun we built together. It is a 6.5 Grendel using Hornady Custom 123gr SST factory loads.
The buck was bedded down at 82 yards. Jackson laced that bullet between the rib cage just behind the left shoulder and took out both lungs. The buck went 30 yards and flipped over backwards.
For a 10 year old to make a shot like that with no shooting sticks or steady rest was awesome. He had buck fever and was excited and scared all at the same time. I had to keep calming him down and telling him to control his breathing. Once he settled and gently gave the trigger a squeeze it was all over. His Uncle had passed away the opening day of the season and we didn’t get out much while taking care of his arrangements. Jackson shot his 6 point buck the next to last day of the season after school. While dragging the harvest out of the field he stopped and pulled a memorial button of my brother from his pocket. He looked up to the Heavens and said “Thank you Uncle Richard”. Yes I had a moment right there in the field, but it was so worth it!
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