Pig Man: The Series
Pig Man: The Series is the story of Brian “Pig Man” Quaca, a true-blue original and a character at the core, given to a rough and tough hunting lifestyle aimed at entertaining the masses with his different take on traditional hunting television. Willing to take a hog by any legal means necessary and at all costs, the endeavors and travels made by Pig Man send him all across the world with Hornady ammo in tow and a determined sense to change the way people look at outdoor filming. Viewers shouldn’t be confused, though; Although Pig Man’s relentless approach to killing hogs is how he earned his name, it is a simple misnomer that Hogs and Javelinas are the only animals this man is willing to take down. Whether its traditional big game such as Whitetail, Mule Deer, and Elk here in the states, Stag, Sika, and Hogs in New Zealand, or Hippos, Bush Pigs, and Warthogs in Africa, Pig Man is a versatile hunter when it comes to accepting a challenge and Pig Man: The Series is an excellent representation of that very point. Look for more of Pig Man: The Series on the leader in outdoor TV for the American Hunter, The Sportsman Channel.