Get the competitive edge and the eye of the tiger!
Designed from the very beginning to be an amazing all around precision rifle competition cartridge, the 6mm GT provides low recoil, good barrel life and outstanding external ballistics. Cartridge and chamber were designed simultaneously to ensure match-grade tolerances and accuracy.
- Ideal option for the PRS competitor.
- Designed to shoot low-drag match bullets.
- Match-proven competition pedigree – a favorite of the pros.
- Reloadable brass with a small rifle primer pocket.

6mm GT
Perfect Fit, Flawless Functionality
The 6mm GT was purposefully designed to function perfectly from standard AICS pattern magazines. The case length and shoulder angle were selected to ensure flawless feeding from the magazine into the chamber, a common problem that has plagued some 6mm wildcats that are popular in precision rifle competition.
Unparalleled Accuracy
Engineered with precision and competition in mind, the 6mm GT features a small rifle primer pocket, a moderate case size, and match grade chamber dimensions coupled with the proper twist rate to take full advantage of the heaviest 6mm bullets. This means exceptional accuracy, modest recoil, and a competitive advantage.
Born From Excellence
Drawing from years of ballistic research, the 6mm GT blends many design elements from other popular cartridges into one consistent and accurate cartridge. This match-proven competition pedigree is a favorite of the pros, and an ideal PRS competition cartridge.