Scales & Accessories

Hornady® Precision Lab Scale
Item #050118The Hornady® Precision Lab Scale provides the precise measurements on your reloading bench that lead to one-of-a-kind shots in the field. Its .01 grain readout makes the difference between charges that are just about right to those that are completely correct.

Auto Charge® Pro
Item #050053Precise, customizable powder measuring
The Hornady® Auto Charge Pro provides precise, customizable powder dispensing in an easy-to-use, space-saving unit. Precise to within 0.1 grain, the Auto Charge Pro offers customizable trickle speeds for various powder types, as well as custom time settings.
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Powder Tricklers & Compatible Scales
M2 Digital Bench Scale
Made from the same high quality, precision load cell found on the Lock-N-Load® Auto Charge®, the high performance Lock-N-Load® Bench Scale is the perfect addition to your reloading bench.
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M2 Digital Bench Scale
All Tricklers & Compatible Scales

Lock-N-Load® Balance Beam Scale
The Hornady® Balance Beam Scale is an essential tool for any well-stocked reloading bench.
See Lock-N-Load® Balance Beam Scale